Sunday, December 28, 2008

I don't respect W. But I sure as hell respect his boots!

Click to enlarge

Presidential Cowboy boots!

Well played, sir.

All is forgiven.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

An Oldie, but Goody

Patches enjoys riding in cars, fetching beer and sleeping in beds....

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Wait a sec.... Kanye West didn't actually make all of his beats?

Ok, not breaking news at all, but this video shows the origins of all of his samples.

Pretty Cool.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I have been labeled as "Goofy, Impertinent, and Irrelevant" by the #2 of the "GodHatesFags" movement

As a follow-up to yesterday, the guy I talked to on the internet, did, in fact, ask my question to Shirley Phelps-Roper, of the Westboro Baptist Church.

I am trying to get a more edited version of the interview, but you can check it out here.

The interview with her starts at around 9 minutes.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Apparently, I will indirectly be asking the "Godhates Fags" lady a question tonight on the radio.

A political interviewer asked a bunch of people online for their input on what to ask the "Godhatesfags" lady. (for those of you unfamiliar with this group, check my old friend google for more info, as they won't be plugged here.)

My questions were:

"Can you ask her at what age they start raising their kids/grandkids to believe that god hates fags?"

"Also, ask her what she would do if the first word a male baby in their community spoke was "CINNAMON" in a very effeminate way?"

Finally, the one that was selected was "Please also ask if god hates "faggot animals" like lesbian seagulls or homo-goats?"

I am sure he will change up the language, but tune into: This Link to find out.....

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Greetings from Bat Country

Hello from Barstow California! Home of the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Del Tacos, several high quality non-sleazy motels, a rail road museum, and LOTS of homeless people.

This is their video to host the 2008 Summer Olympics

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

This actually isn't from the onion. Thanks for the update, CNN

Obama 'deeply disappointed' Richardson shaved beard
(CNN) - Gov. Bill Richardson showed up to his press conference with President-elect Barack Obama Wednesday morning without the beard he has been sporting since dropping out of the presidential race in January, sparking his new boss to tell reporters he is "deeply disappointed with the loss of the beard."

"I'm going to answer this question about the beard," said Obama, when Richardson was asked where the facial hair went. "I think it was a mistake for him to get rid of it. I thought that whole Western, rugged look was really working for him.

"For some reason, maybe because it was scratchy when he kissed his wife, he was forced to get rid of it.," Obama continued as his nominee for commerce secretary smiled broadly. "But we're deeply disappointed with the loss of the beard."

Obama didn't let Richardson answer the question, but the New Mexico governor told Esquire Magazine in an interview posted online Wednesday that "After the campaign, I grew a beard as a rebellion against those consultants who told me I had to comb my hair, shave, lose weight. I said, You know, I’m gonna do what I want now. That was a good feeling."

Monday, December 1, 2008

Probably the most bizarre job posting I have ever seen.

Click image to enlarge

Please feel free to e-mail them and post your response.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Merry Thanksgiving! - from the Leningrad Cowboys and Red Army Choir

When most bands describe themselves as "indescribable," they are probably full of shit. Not these guys though.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Reporters screwing up brings joy to us all.

First, the classic:

Reporter Goes Ghetto

Melanie Morales can't hear shit

This reporter likes to demonstrate what he is reporting. It is good for all of us that he didn't do a story on auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Their sexual tension finally reached the breaking point. Shortly after this gaff, a love swing was installed in the editing room.

His co-worker is dead, but he stays calm as ever. All I can gather is that there was a problem with the teleprompter punctuation, but this is out of control.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Who the fuck cuts Brian May from an album?

Axl Rose does.

I may have downloaded leaked versions of "Chinese Democracy" last month and it contained early versions of tracks which will be released on 11/23. One of which had a guest appearance by Brian May, of Queen, and it was awesome.

I would post the original version of Catcher in the Rye, but a combination of my computer crashing and fear of Axl going Metallica on me, you will have to find it yourself.

At any rate, the original version was far superior.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pranked you were.

Look at the pure hate in her eyes.

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Probably not this......

I had seen Jesus Profiteering before, but not to the same degree as a certain truckstop in Missouri...

Hey J.C. Can you please stop posting flyers for your shitty band on my comments? Thanks.


I always thought of Jesus as more of a Gibson guy.

A 1981 Flying V, Mayhaps?




Actually, A Jesus Merman looks like this:

And he doesn't give A FUCK about coffee. Hook a brotha up with some raw fish.

That's just uncalled for.

I was just trying to peacefully eat a chicken sandwich and get back on the road but then I saw it.....

Friday, November 14, 2008

Maybe It's not the best idea to use your family name as your business name....

Straight from Indiana, TOM RAPER RVs and Homes!

"You're Right at Home with Raper Homes!

Some people don't like to be photographed.

Some dude flipped me off on the highway today. Normally, I would flip him off and not let him pass me for miles, but something happened today.

I changed.

Armed with a digital camera in my center console, I simply took it out and took a picture of him as he passed me.

He was not happy.

With 10 hours of driving still ahead of me, I took a few more of random people to pass the time.

Most people don't notice.

But some people do.....


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

When insults from humans just aren't enough.

Both of these electronic devices expressed their displeasure with me in the past year.

I feel shame.

In my defense, this was actually in a car owned by a friend of mine, so, technically, he is the constant failure, whereas I am only a temporary one.

Healthy food doesn't taste as good.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Mick Jagger with a beard, "David Bowie'd" Bob Dylan, and getting "eye-fucked" by Prince

Inspired by the look of "The Band," Mick Jagger wound up looking like the Unabomber, with bad teeth. But for the first time in his life, he didn't look like a nancy boy.

Bob Dylan was finally able to get his style on par with his vocal talent.
-notice Tom Petty behind him, rounding out the the nasally voice/ three chord procession.

If you stare too long, Prince will break through your wall and have his way with you. Male or female. ;)

These pictures were found on this site, which I highly recommend. Great collection of classic rock photos.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

This ballroom smells like Hope, Change, and............ Weed?

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Belly of the Beast

I went to a Sarah Palin rally last night, but not without smuggling in some surprises.

Rec Hall at PSU was packed, but I was able to set up right in front of the press and hold up this sign for a good part of the evening.

(Click on any pic to enlarge)

Here's a close-up:

I also made a few of these, but thought better than to hold them up, surrounded by 7,500 rural, conservative Pennsylvanians.

After it was announced that Hank Williams Jr. was going to sing the National Anthem, I, along with a bunch of other people took off our hats. Apparently, we have a new National Anthem that goes something like this:

(I have been accused by a Youtube user of seeking Youtube Fame by posting this video. I must admit that he is right. I am trying to be the biggest Youtube celebrity ever. When I took this shitty, shaky, 1 minute clip, I fully intended on getting more views than "Chocolate Rain," "Leave Britney Alone," and those animals eating the shit out of each other in Africa combined.)

Here's a verse from our new National Anthem

Thanks a lot for the financial crisis, BILL CLINTON! It's ALL your fault, Slick Willy.


(Click photo to enlarge)

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Brits know how to waste tax dollars too!

This was the old logo for the 'Norfolk Constabulary'

Roughly $54,000 later, they will wind up with this one:

Around $4600 went on developing and designing the new version, while $39,000 will be needed to change signs around the county and another $10,000 to update patrol cars

Good job, chaps!

The article can be read here:

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

America needs "The Fighter with the Hard Left Hook."

Unfortunately for everyone, Steve Novick, who stands 4'9" and uses a hook prosthesis, barely lost in the Democratic primary for Senate in Oregon.
"The Fighter with the Hard Left Hook" was a campaign slogan for Novick and his website was
Aside from having a seemingly awesome sense of humor, it looks like he fights some good fights. Here's his wikipedia page.

McCain/Palin Supporters in Western PA, are well-educated, well-mannered, and definitely not racist.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Why settle for being a drunk who can't shave, when you could suffer from the Barber's rash and barrel fever?

Getting sick isn't as exciting it used to be. Here are some archaic medical terms with their definitions:

BARBER'S RASH or ITCH- Infection of hair folicles from contaminated razor

BARREL FEVER- Illness due to excessive drinking of alcohol


COMMOTION- Concussion


Typhus is actually one of the less serious things that could happen to you in prison.

KING'S EVIL-Scrofula, a tubercular infection of the throat lymph glands; also sometimes syphilis-

This is also how the royal subjects referred to the king making "number two."

WORM FIT-Convulsions associated with teething, worms, elevated temperature or diarrhea.


An overpaid, whiny, temper-tantrum having freakshow.

DELIRIUM TREMENS - Hallucinations due to alcoholism

BRONZE JOHN- Yellow fever.

Friday, October 17, 2008