Sure, everyone has moments when they don't look their best and it must be tough to always have cameras recording your every move, but this......... really?
The beginnings of "Emocore" "Listen, you little emo-wanna-be myspace punks, stop whining about you relationship problems, high school drama, and family bullshit, ALL MY FRIENDS ARE DEAD!"--Freddie Gage
Neither The Who's nor Jimi Hendrix's post concert demolition of equipment could come close to "Elephant Rage" Foster Edwards slept with every member of the band.
Are All Creepy.
Bandmates and Lovers Unfortunately, Seymour became too stiff to work and was retired just 3 years after his career began.
Tex Williams died of cancer in 1985 Surprisingly enough, it wasn't lung cancer.
Followed up by the hit album "Live From Louisiana State Penitentiary"
Oh, how literal of you!
But did the chicks dig him? Here's Jonah Jones
Many men were already quite familiar with his inside story.
They Play By Ear ................... BOOOOOO!!!!!!
No, thank YOU, Mike Atkins. (And a big thank you to my tens of thousands of loyal readers.)
In what is probably the best baseball manager ejection of all time, Phil Wellman throws his hat, covers home plate, then creates a new larger home plate, physically steals third base, throws it into the outfield,army crawls to the pitcher's mound, picks up the rosin bag and throws it at the umpire like a grenade,then he then proceeds to eject the umpire, next, he goes and steals second, retrieves third, which he has already thrown, and finally blows kisses to the crowd as he exits through the outfield wall.
1.) Large Marge- She scared the crap out of a guy who lived alone and talked to furniture and other inanimate objects all day. What does that tell you?
To this day, I still don't like watching this scene of "Pee Wee's Big Adventure."
2.) "Zeebo the Clown" from "Are You Afraid of the Dark?" As if clowns weren't scary enough already, Nickelodeon decided that a horrifying show was somehow the obvious choice to air after "Clarissa Explains it All," "Roundhouse," and "Ren and Stimpy."
3.) Joe Carter
- Sweet, sweet redemption is coming soon, but the damage was done.
"My Cat, Elvis, was involved in a tragic accident...." (Worth a minute or two of your time)-- ROBOCAT!
Blueberry, The Amazing Wheelchair bunny.(Has a very generous name) "Moderately Amusing Wheelchair Bunny" would be more fitting.
One of the more famous wheelchair dogs.
Is this dog wearing leopard print? Sadly, not all animals can have state of the art wheelchairs. I can only assume that this is how paraplegic dogs are treated in third world countries. (If they are lucky) *Tear.
This is what my dad used to tell me during the brief time I was pondering getting a tattoo years ago. If it came down to it, I think I would rather have superman underwear as a permanent part of my body, rather than Stephen Hawking.
Apparently, this guy does not share my view on the subject and actually had Stephen Hawking tattooed on his leg. On a positive note, Dr. Hawking can walk again.