Saturday, November 22, 2008

Reporters screwing up brings joy to us all.

First, the classic:

Reporter Goes Ghetto

Melanie Morales can't hear shit

This reporter likes to demonstrate what he is reporting. It is good for all of us that he didn't do a story on auto-erotic asphyxiation.

Their sexual tension finally reached the breaking point. Shortly after this gaff, a love swing was installed in the editing room.

His co-worker is dead, but he stays calm as ever. All I can gather is that there was a problem with the teleprompter punctuation, but this is out of control.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Who the fuck cuts Brian May from an album?

Axl Rose does.

I may have downloaded leaked versions of "Chinese Democracy" last month and it contained early versions of tracks which will be released on 11/23. One of which had a guest appearance by Brian May, of Queen, and it was awesome.

I would post the original version of Catcher in the Rye, but a combination of my computer crashing and fear of Axl going Metallica on me, you will have to find it yourself.

At any rate, the original version was far superior.


Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Pranked you were.

Look at the pure hate in her eyes.