Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The three people that ruined my childhood- (In chronological order)

1.) Large Marge- She scared the crap out of a guy who lived alone and talked to furniture and other inanimate objects all day. What does that tell you?

To this day, I still don't like watching this scene of "Pee Wee's Big Adventure."

2.) "Zeebo the Clown" from "Are You Afraid of the Dark?"

As if clowns weren't scary enough already, Nickelodeon decided that a horrifying show was somehow the obvious choice to air after "Clarissa Explains it All," "Roundhouse," and "Ren and Stimpy."

3.) Joe Carter

- Sweet, sweet redemption is coming soon, but the damage was done.


Frank said...

I agree with all of the above. The damn Blue Jays beat the White Sox in the playoffs that same year. That is probably why I don't watch baseball anymore.

Rothbear said...

I was trying to dig up some dirt on Joe Carter to trash him in a reply, but the guy looks clean. You might want to give the White Sox another shot. Pretty sure they won a World Series since then and make the playoffs regularly nowadays/....

Matt D said...

I have a few Joe Carter baseball cards if you'd like to throw darts at them. It's a satisfying activity actually.

Rothbear said...

I would like to keep him in the "unpleasant memory" compartment of my brain and not have that evolve into "creepy stalker/laces out,Dan!" sort of mentality. Thanks though!

Unknown said...

I worked really hard to repress the memory of Zeebo, thanks for undoing that in a matter of seconds.

Unknown said...

... and the only reason anyone ever watched "roundhouse" was because it was sandwiched between 2 good shows.

I wonder if Chuck Norris had anything to do with that show?

Rothbear said...

Sorry for bringing Zeebo back into your consciousness. I had actually not remembered in that much detail and immediately regretted the decision to do a google image search.

And yes, roundhouse was a total pile of crap.